We work 24\7.
Check-in | 2:00 PM |
Check-out | 12:00 PM |
Booking cancellation |
No later than 24 hours in advance. |
Accommodation with children |
Children under 5 years old can be accommodated free of charge in the main sleeping places or on the playpen bed (breakfast can be ordered separately for an additional fee). Accommodation in additional seats is paid separately according to the selected tariff. |
Personal Data Processing Policy |
This agreement on the processing of personal data is drawn up in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. All persons submitting information through the form on the website www.alphagarden.ru , as well as those who have posted information in other ways confirm their consent to the processing of personal data. Alfa Garden Hotel values the trust of its guests and understands the importance of confidentiality of personal information provided by guests. The hotel guarantees that the personal data received from the guest is processed in accordance with and in order to comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection" No. 149-FZ of 27.07.2006, Federal Law "On Personal Data" No. 152-FZ of 27.07.2006, Government Decree RF N 687, 781, etc., the law on migration registration and other regulatory legal acts, ensuring the safety of hotel property and receiving hotel services; using all necessary organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of personal data within the competence of the hotel, in order to avoid any changes, loss, illegal use and unauthorized access. The hotel is responsible for the proper confidential treatment of the guest's personal data, transmitted in particular when booking using the Internet. Using the hotel's website, booking a room. Please note that you can use our website without specifying any information about your identity, i.e. anonymous viewing of hotel offers is possible. You can get information about prices, a description of our hotel and its services, and view our special offers. In case of booking a room, the following information is saved: first and last name, phone number, email address, dates for booking a room, arrival and departure time, other information specified by the User in the comments (wishes). The time of booking and the IP address from which the booking was made are also recorded. In order to provide a hotel service, your data is used for unambiguous one-time identification of your booking, its execution and calculations on it. In addition to confirming your booking, you may receive all changes to your bookings or your data. At the time of check-in and check-in at the hotel, you sign a consent to the use of your personal data for specific limited purposes. Transfer of data to third parties. The hotel does not store, sell or transfer to third parties the personal data of guests, except in cases where the provision of information is a special obligation in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation. Respect for personal information is part of our hotel's corporate policy. |
If you cancel your reservation later than 24 hours in advance, the cost of the first day will be charged.